The  Universal
Web Framework
for Everything
Websites, services, and data management with ease.
Powered by JavaScript
The system is developed in modern JavaScript, both client-side and server-side. The modular structure allows the optional use of a database, auxiliary components that allow you to extend the use of Heretic.
Heretic is based on Marko, a declarative, HTML-based language. Also "under the hood" there are: Fastify, Mongo, Redis Bulma, Webpack, Babel. The minimum configuration only requires a server that can run Node.js.
Built-In Components
Heretic has many built-in components such as a dynamic table, form builder, SPA router, notification dialog etc. Built-in authorization system and administrator panel extensible with modules.
Multilanguage out-of-the-boxServer-side renderingModular structureAdministrator panelBackupsWebsocket supportRate limitingSEO friendlyDark themeUser managementGroup managementForm builderDynamic tableSPA routingWYSIWYG editorCustomizable stylesRun in Docker
Use admin as username, and password as password