Form Builder

Form Builder component (hform) allows you to dynamically build and validate your forms.

Usage example:

<hform    key="exampleForm"    id="exampleForm"    data=formData    on-button-click("onFormButtonClick")    on-form-submit("onFormSubmit")    on-mount-complete("onFormMountComplete")/>


In order to build form data, you need to pass the data object. It contains everything the component needs to build and process form data:

// Import icons from Material Design Icons packageconst {    mdiPencilOutline,    mdiTrashCanOutline,} = require("@mdi/js");// Require form validator utilities libraryconst utils = require("#lib/formValidatorUtils");export default class {    // Pass translation function to the constructor    constructor(t) {        this.t = t || (id => id);        // Form data object = {            form: [],        };        // Extract validation data from form        this.validationData = utils.getValidationData(;    }    // Getter: return form data    getData() {        return;    }    // Return validation schema for Ajv    getValidationSchema() {        return {            type: "object",            properties: this.validationData.validationSchema,        };    }    // Returns an array of form data in flat mode    getFieldsFlat() {        return this.validationData.fieldsFlat;    }    // Get object of available field areas    getFieldsArea() {        return this.validationData.fieldsArea;    }    // Process value based on cell data    processTableCell(id, row) {        return row[id]    }    // Allow to change the mode (view/edit)    isModeChangeAllowed() {        return false;    }    // Get form tabs array    // When "id" is set to _default, no tabs are displayed    getTabs() {        return [{            id: "_default",            label: "",        }];    }    // Which tabs should be displayed on first render    getTabsStart() {        return ["_default"];    }    // History configuration    getHistoryConfig() {        return {            enabled: true, // Is history enabled            list: `/api/${}/history/list`, // List endpoint        };    }    // Fields with restricted access (array of strings)    getRestrictedFields() {        return [];    }    // Areas with restricted access (array of strings)    getRestrictedAreas() {        return [];    }    // When received, this hard-coded value means "access denied"    getMagicStringAccessDenied() {        return "WP0eX1QaOvhNWEgYa8Nx1X2f";    }}

Form data property has the following structure:

form [ { area }, { area }, ...]

Each area may contain one or more group of fields and may have it's own label and styling when necessary.

The following field types are available:


Used to display a text input field.

{    id: "firstName", // Unique field ID    type: "text", // Field type    label: this.t("firstName"), // Field label    mandatory: true, // Mandatory flag    validation: { // Ajv validation schema        type: ["string"],    },    sortable: true, // Is field sortable? (used by mtable)    searchable: true, // Is field searchable (used by mtable)    css: "hr-hf-field-large", // Field wrapper styling used to set field width    column: true, // Should this field be displayed as column (used by mtable)    createIndex: true, // Should this field be indexed in database (used by mtable)    autoFocus: true, // Should this field be focused on first render?    hidden: false, // Don't show this field as a table column by default (used by mtable)    convert: "integer", // When set, result value will be converted to integer    maskedOptions: { // IMask options for masked fields        mask: Number,        min: 1,        max: 99,    },}


Used to display a text area field.

{    id: "message", // Unique field ID    type: "text", // Field type    label: this.t("message"), // Field label    mandatory: false, // Mandatory flag    validation: { // Ajv validation schema        type: ["string"],    },    sortable: true, // Is field sortable? (used by mtable)    searchable: true, // Is field searchable (used by mtable)    css: "hr-hf-field-large", // Field wrapper styling used to set field width    column: true, // Should this field be displayed as column (used by mtable)    createIndex: true, // Should this field be indexed in database (used by mtable)    autoFocus: true, // Should this field be focused on first render?    hidden: false, // Don't show this field as a table column by default (used by mtable)}


Used to display a select input field.

{    id: "chapter", // Unique field ID    type: "select", // Field type    label: this.t("chapter"), // Field label    mandatory: false, // Mandatory flag    validation: { // Ajv validation schema        type: ["string", "null"],        enum: [null, "", "example1", "example2"],    },    options: [{ // List of options (value and label)        value: "",        label: "—"    }, {        value: "example1",        label: this.t("example1"),    }, {        value: "example2",        label: this.t("example2"),    }],    defaultValue: "", // Default value on form render    sortable: true, // Is field sortable? (used by mtable)    searchable: true, // Is field searchable (used by mtable)    css: "hr-hf-field-large", // Field wrapper styling used to set field width    column: true, // Should this field be displayed as column (used by mtable)    createIndex: true, // Should this field be indexed in database (used by mtable)    autoFocus: false, // Should this field be focused on first render?    hidden: false, // Don't show this field as a table column by default (used by mtable)}


Used to display a date picker input field. Result value is stored as UNIX timestamp.

{    id: "hireDate", // Unique field ID    type: "date", // Field type    label: this.t("hireDate"), // Field label    validation: { // Ajv validation schema        type: ["integer", "null"],    },    convert: "integer", // When set, result value will be converted to integer    sortable: true, // Is field sortable? (used by mtable)    searchable: true, // Is field searchable? (used by mtable)    css: "hr-hf-field-date", // Field wrapper styling used to set field width    column: true, // Should this field be displayed as column (used by mtable)    createIndex: true, // Should this field be indexed in database (used by mtable)    hidden: true, // Don't show this field as a table column by default (used by mtable)}


Used to represent a table column by mtable component, not rendered as form field.

{    id: "id", // Unique field ID    type: "column", // Field type    label: this.t("id"), // Field label    sortable: true, // Is field sortable? (used by mtable)    column: true, // Should this field be displayed as column (used by mtable)    createIndex: true,  // Should this field be indexed in database (used by mtable)}


Used to display a DIV element and then render its content programmatically.

{    id: "salaryStatus", // Unique field ID    type: "div", // Field type    label: this.t("salaryStatus"), // Field label    validation: {}, // Validation (ignored)    css: "hr-hf-field-large",  // Field wrapper styling used to set field width    divClass: "input is-justify-content-center", // Element styling}


Used to display key-value fields combined with date, might be useful to display different event logs.

{    id: "salaryLog", // Unique field ID    type: "log", // Field type    label: this.t("salaryLog"), // Field label    mandatory: false, // Mandatory flag    validation: { // Ajv validation schema        type: ["array", "null"],        items: {            type: "object",            properties: {                uid: {                    type: "string",                    pattern: "^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$",                },                logValue: {                    type: ["string", "null"],                    maxLength: 32,                },                logStatus: {                    type: "string",                    enum: ["planned", "negotiation", "done"],                },                logComments: {                    type: ["string", "null"],                    maxLength: 2048,                },                logDate: {                    type: ["integer", "null"],                }            },            required: ["uid"],        },        minItems: 0,        uniqueItems: false,    },    options: [{ // List of options for logStatus        value: "planned",        label: this.t("logValue.planned"),    }, {        value: "negotiation",        label: this.t("logValue.negotiation"),    }, {        value: "done",        label: this.t("logValue.done"),    }],    defaultOption: "planned", // Default logStatus option}


Used to upload files to server.

{    id: "attachments", // Unique field ID    type: "files", // Field type    label: this.t("attachments"), // Field label    buttonLabel: this.t("select"), // Select button label    multiple: true, // Allow to upload multiple files    validation: { // Validation        minCount: 0, // Min. count of files        maxCount: 10, // Max. count of files        maxSize: 5096000, // Max. file size    },    download: "/api/example/download", // URL used to download files}


Used to display a WYSIWYG editor.

{    id: "comments", // Unique field ID    type: "wysiwyg", // Field type    label: this.t("notes"), // Field label}


Display form buttons.

{    id: "buttons", // Unique field ID    type: "buttons",  // Field type    items: [{        id: "btnSubmit", // Unique button ID        type: "submit", // Button type (submit, button etc.)        label: this.t("signIn"), // Button label        css: "button is-primary mt-3" // List of button classes    }],}


{    id: "groups", // Unique field ID    type: "tags", // Field type    label: this.t("groups"), // Field label    mandatory: false, // Mandatory flag    validation: { // Ajv validation schema        type: ["array", "null"],        items: {            type: "string",            minLength: 2,            maxLength: 32,        },        minItems: 0,        uniqueItems: true,    },    enumValues: [], // List of pre-defined values    enumUnique: true, // Every value should be unique    enumOnly: true, // Only allow pre-defined values    enumButton: true, // Show button to open dialog to select pre-defined values    enumDropdown: false, // Show drop-down menu for selecting pre-defined values}


Used to display key-value selection field.

{    id: "data", // Unique field ID    type: "keyValue", // Field type    label: this.t("data"), // Field label    mandatory: false, // Mandatory flag    validation: { // Ajv validation schema        type: ["array", "null"],        items: {            type: "object",            properties: {                uid: {                    type: "string",                    pattern: "^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$",                },                id: {                    type: "string",                    maxLength: 32,                },                type: {                    type: "string",                    maxLength: 32,                },                value: {                    oneOf: [{                        type: "string",                        maxLength: 1024,                    }, {                        type: "boolean",                    }, {                        type: "null",                    }]                },            },            required: ["uid", "id", "type"],        },        minItems: 0,        uniqueItems: false,    },    css: "hr-hf-field-medium",}


The following events are emitted by the form builder component.

mount-complete ()

This event is emitted when all fields are rendered and settled on view.

mode-change (mode)

Emitted when user changes form mode. Possible mode values: view, edit.

form-submit ()

Emitted when form is submitted.

button-click (data)

Emitted when form button is pressed. Data object:

{    id: "buttonId", // Button ID    type: "button", // Button type (button, submit etc.)}

request-history (data)

Emitted when history is requested by user. Data object:

{    page: 1,}

restore-history (id)

Emitted when history element with id needs to be restored.

delete-history (id)

Emitted when history element with id needs to be deleted.

value-change (data)

Emitted when field value changes. Data object:

{    id: "fieldId", // Field ID    type: "text", // Field Type    value: "example" // Field Value}