Modal Dialog

Display modal dialog with different options and handle corresponding events.

<hmodal    key="exampleModal"    id="exampleModal"    on-button-click("onExampleModalButtonClick")    close=true    cardClass="pl-3 pr-3"    backgroundClass="hr-hm-background-60"    title="exampleModalTitle"    actions=[        {            id: "delete",            label: "exampleModalDelete",            class: "button is-danger",        },        {            id: "cancel",            label: "exampleModalCancel",            class: "button is-light",            close: true,        }    ]>    <section        class="modal-card-body"        style={            order: "2"        }>        <t>modalWindowContentsGoesHere</t>    </section></hmodal>


The following settings might be set:

close (true/false)Allow to close dialog
cardClass (string)Optionally set additional class for modal card
backgroundClass (string)Optionally set additional class for modal background
title (string)Modal title
actions (array)Modal dialog buttons

Modal dialog may have one or more sections in order to display content. Make sure to set order property in style 2, 3, 4 etc. for each next section.

style={    order: "2"}


button-click (id)

Emitted when dialog button is pressed.