Table Builder

Table Builder component (hflextable) allows you to dynamically display table data.

Note: a deprecated version of the dynamic table htable using the "table" tag is also available.

Usage example:

<hflextable     key=`${}List`    id=`${}List`    data=formData    on-top-button-click("onTopButtonClick")    on-action-button-click("onActionButtonClick")    on-unauthorized("onUnauthorized")    headers={}/>


In order to render table, you need to pass the data object. It contains everything the component needs to build tanle form data:

// Import icons from Material Design Icons packageconst {    mdiPencilOutline,    mdiTrashCanOutline,    mdiAccountPlusOutline,} = require("@mdi/js");// Require form validator utilities libraryconst utils = require("#lib/formValidatorUtils");export default class {    // Pass translation function to the constructor    constructor(t) {        this.t = t || (id => id);        // Form data object = {            form: [],        };    }    // Getter: return form data    getData() {        return;    }    // Returns an array of form data in flat mode    getFieldsFlat() {        return this.validationData.fieldsFlat;    }    // Get table columns (used for mtable component)    getTableColumns() {        return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(this.validationData.fieldsFlat).filter(([, value]) => ["text", "select", "column", "date", "div"].indexOf(value.type) > -1));    }    // Get default sort column (used for mtable component)    getTableDefaultSortColumn() {        return {            id: "example",            direction: 1, // 1 = asc, 2 = desc        };    }    // Is action column enabled    isActionColumn() {        return true;    }    // Is checkbox column enabled    isCheckboxColumn() {        return this.checkboxColumn;    }    // Get buttons for action column    getActions() {        return [{            id: "edit", // Button ID            label: this.t("edit"), // Button label            icon: mdiPencilOutline, // Icon        }, {            id: "delete", // Button ID            label: this.t("delete"), // Button label            icon: mdiTrashCanOutline, // Icon            danger: true, // Red button        }];    }    // Get top buttons    getTopButtons() {        return [{            id: "newItem", // Button ID            label: this.t("newItem"), // Button label            icon: mdiAccountPlusOutline, // Icon        }, {            id: "delete", // Button ID            label: this.t("deleteSelected"), // Button label            icon: mdiTrashCanOutline, // Icon            danger: true, // Red button        }];    }    // Get data loading configuration (for mtable component)    getTableLoadConfig() {        return {            url: `/api/${}/list`,        };    }    // Get bulk edit configuration (for mtable component)    getTableBulkUpdateConfig() {        return {            url: `/api/${}/bulkSave`,        };    }    // Get table export configuration (for mtable component)    getTableExportConfig() {        return {            url: `/api/${}/export`,            download: `/api/${}/download`,        };    }    // Get recycle bin configuration (for mtable component)    getRecycleBinConfig() {        return {            enabled: true, // Is recycle bin enabled            title: "label", // Field ID used to display in confirmation dialog            id: "id", // Id field            url: {                list: `/api/${}/recycleBin/list`, // List endpoint                restore: `/api/${}/recycleBin/restore`, // Restore endpoint                delete: `/api/${}/recycleBin/delete`, // Delete endpoint            },        };    }    // Get item delete configuration    getTableDeleteConfig() {        return {            url: `/api/${}/delete`, // Delete endpoint            titleId: "id", // Field ID used to display in confirmation dialog        };    }    // Process value based on cell data    processTableCell(id, row) {        return row[id]    }}

Form data property structure and its elements are described in Form Builder manual.


The following events are emitted by the table component.

load-complete (data)

This event is emitted when data from server is loaded successfully.

unauthorized ()

Emitted when receiving 403 error from server.

top-button-click (id)

Emitted when top button is pressed.

action-button-click (data)

Emitted when action button is pressed. data object:

{    buttonId: "buttonId", // Button ID    itemId: "button", // Table row ID}