Table Builder component (hflextable) allows you to dynamically display table data.
Note: a deprecated version of the dynamic table htable using the "table" tag is also available.
Usage example:
<hflextable key=`${}List` id=`${}List` data=formData on-top-button-click("onTopButtonClick") on-action-button-click("onActionButtonClick") on-unauthorized("onUnauthorized") headers={}/>
In order to render table, you need to pass the data object. It contains everything the component needs to build tanle form data:
// Import icons from Material Design Icons packageconst { mdiPencilOutline, mdiTrashCanOutline, mdiAccountPlusOutline,} = require("@mdi/js");// Require form validator utilities libraryconst utils = require("#lib/formValidatorUtils");export default class { // Pass translation function to the constructor constructor(t) { this.t = t || (id => id); // Form data object = { form: [], }; } // Getter: return form data getData() { return; } // Returns an array of form data in flat mode getFieldsFlat() { return this.validationData.fieldsFlat; } // Get table columns (used for mtable component) getTableColumns() { return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(this.validationData.fieldsFlat).filter(([, value]) => ["text", "select", "column", "date", "div"].indexOf(value.type) > -1)); } // Get default sort column (used for mtable component) getTableDefaultSortColumn() { return { id: "example", direction: 1, // 1 = asc, 2 = desc }; } // Is action column enabled isActionColumn() { return true; } // Is checkbox column enabled isCheckboxColumn() { return this.checkboxColumn; } // Get buttons for action column getActions() { return [{ id: "edit", // Button ID label: this.t("edit"), // Button label icon: mdiPencilOutline, // Icon }, { id: "delete", // Button ID label: this.t("delete"), // Button label icon: mdiTrashCanOutline, // Icon danger: true, // Red button }]; } // Get top buttons getTopButtons() { return [{ id: "newItem", // Button ID label: this.t("newItem"), // Button label icon: mdiAccountPlusOutline, // Icon }, { id: "delete", // Button ID label: this.t("deleteSelected"), // Button label icon: mdiTrashCanOutline, // Icon danger: true, // Red button }]; } // Get data loading configuration (for mtable component) getTableLoadConfig() { return { url: `/api/${}/list`, }; } // Get bulk edit configuration (for mtable component) getTableBulkUpdateConfig() { return { url: `/api/${}/bulkSave`, }; } // Get table export configuration (for mtable component) getTableExportConfig() { return { url: `/api/${}/export`, download: `/api/${}/download`, }; } // Get recycle bin configuration (for mtable component) getRecycleBinConfig() { return { enabled: true, // Is recycle bin enabled title: "label", // Field ID used to display in confirmation dialog id: "id", // Id field url: { list: `/api/${}/recycleBin/list`, // List endpoint restore: `/api/${}/recycleBin/restore`, // Restore endpoint delete: `/api/${}/recycleBin/delete`, // Delete endpoint }, }; } // Get item delete configuration getTableDeleteConfig() { return { url: `/api/${}/delete`, // Delete endpoint titleId: "id", // Field ID used to display in confirmation dialog }; } // Process value based on cell data processTableCell(id, row) { return row[id] }}
Form data property structure and its elements are described in Form Builder manual.
The following events are emitted by the table component.
This event is emitted when data from server is loaded successfully.
Emitted when receiving 403 error from server.
Emitted when top button is pressed.
Emitted when action button is pressed. data object:
{ buttonId: "buttonId", // Button ID itemId: "button", // Table row ID}