Rate Limiting

Heretic allows you to use rate limits. This helps protect your website from various denial-of-service attacks and helps you to limit access for specified IPs.

In order to enable rate limits, you will need to install Redis server in addition to the base Heretic requirements. Then, please specify rate limit configuration in your system.js file.

When rate limits are reached, internal server error occurs. This triggers a 429 HTTP error, the Internal Server Error page is displayed (using a different error message: Rate Limit Exceeded).


First, you will need to enable rate limiting by setting the enabled option to true.

There are global options which are affecting every module (and even static resource) of your site:

timeWindowTime period (in milliseconds); in case a client reaches the maximum number of allowed requests in this time period, a 429 error is generated
maxRequest limit until client gets temporary restricted
banRequest limit until client gets banned

Additionally, you may wish to define blacklists and whitelists (arrays of string); add headers to the response).